Internships for patent professionals


Praktika Intern – working with examiners

Praktika Intern will not be running in the next few months. 

The Praktika Intern programme is designed for professional representatives working in private practice or industry with experience in drafting and prosecuting European patent applications. It is an international programme organised and co-ordinated by the European Patent Academy, and it aims to promote equal access to education and training opportunities in the field of European and international patent law and practice across all current and future contracting states of the European Patent Convention (EPC).

Interns spend three weeks in Directorate-General Patent Granting Process (DG 1), which is responsible for search, examination and opposition. They have the opportunity to work on actual case files and run prior-art searches. Each intern is looked after by one or more examiners, who explain step by step how DG Patent Granting Process operates.

Please sign up to our e-alert service to be notified when registration for this programme opens again.