Careers home page >  Our areas of work > Work as a patent examiner 

Work as a patent examiner

As a patent examiner you will play a crucial role in helping inventors and innovative businesses to protect their innovations in the contracting states to the European Patent Convention (EPC) – and around the world.

The process involves searching for existing documentation in the technical area of the application (prior art) and communicating with the applicant in order to bring their application into line with the legal requirements of the EPC.

When you examine patent applications to determine whether or not the inventions claimed should be granted a patent, you are deciding on applicants' potentially most valuable asset: the patentability of their invention.

Patentability means innovation; it enables competitiveness and makes a significant contribution to national and global economic growth.

Explore the fields we work in

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector

Mobility and Mechatronics (M&M) sector

Healthcare, Biotechnology and Chemistry (HBC) sector

Meet our examiners

Meet Ioana

Meet Andrey

Meet Søren

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